
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Could you just play that one more time, please?

January 23rd – ‘Stairway to Heaven’ played continuously for 24 hours…? Don’t know I could take that. Even now, when I hear it, I think it’s just a parody of itself, like a Chipmunks version of ‘All day And All Of The Night’. The radio station in Albuquerque that did just this very thing on this day in 1991 (over 200 hundred times it was played) elicited a fairly robust response from listeners and the police, even though their reason was innocuous, but then…coppers…? Same the world over. However, by now you’ll have an idea of how my mind works…is there a music track I could listen to non-stop for 24 hours and not find myself either on a funny-farm or hairless at the end of the time period? Well, yes actually: So, for your delectation and in preparation for your next get-together over the canapés, here are the ten music tracks, in no particular order, that I COULD actually listen to for 24 hours and then, on the following day, put them on again and feel no after effect. Oh, and BTW, these aren't my favourite tracks (my ‘Desert Island Disc’ selection, some of them may well be but that’s for December, and that’s another list altogether) these are just ones that never, ever fail to illicit a response within me, stir summat that makes me weep or scream or just say, “Fuck, yeah!”…
 1) ‘Mob Rules’ – Black Sabbath – Superbly crafted piece of rock music with lyrics that resonate through the years. Excellent drum-and-bass work, whole band as tight as a tick.
 2) ‘Show Goes On’ – Bruce Hornsby – Wonderful piano work, excellent studio mix and lyrics that encapsulate what it’s like to be human and mortal.
 3) ‘Water of Love’ – Mark Knopfler (live) – Apart from reasons too personal to go into here, it’s just a master class in guitar familiarity and emotion. Goodness me, I’m welling up at the thought of it…
 4) ‘I’ll Drown in My Own Tears/When Something is Wrong with My Baby’ – Joe Cocker and The Mad Dogs and Englishmen – We've done this (see yesterday). Nothing to add except to say, if you want to know what it’s like to play in a live band and haven’t yet had the pleasure the  this album is for you.
 5) ‘Speed of Light’ – Joe Satriani – Technical ability aside, it’s just a superb piece of high-octane happiness that cannot fail to bring a little light into your day. Trust me, put on your toast and tea first thing in the morning and play it LOUD; it’ll set you up for the next 24 hours.
6) ‘PCP’ – Manic Street Preachers – Poetry, political comment and rock ‘n’ roll all in the same four minute track. They've been as good but never been better than this.
 7) ‘In Your Eyes’ – Peter Gabriel – Superb production values that lift this song into a different league. The layers, shading and colour make it one that I could never tire of even though at EVERY hearing, inside, I’m a tear-stained wreck...
 8) ‘Technical Difficulties’ – Racer X – This does the trick for me, if only to give me an opportunity to get the damn drum patterns right….
 9) ‘Mustard Fields’ – Talvin Singh – I've used this as a trance inducer for my yoga on many occasions; could happily meditate to this for 12 of the 24.
 10) ‘Our Kate/The Welcome Home’ – Kathryn Tickell – Tears and dance in the same piece of music. Emotional landscapes and lost dreams all painted in vibrant colours…for those who would hear.

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