
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Oh, THAT Linda Ronstadt...

October 30th – You know how it is; you’re going through your record collection, just 
browsing really, saying hello to old friends and running by the memories they bring back (really sorry about this, now you have an idea of just how a sad and of how much an old git I am) when summat catches your eye, on the list of backing vocalists used on the album or the guest saxophonist maybe, and you think;
Hmm. I recognise the name...didn't she do Mad Dogs and Englishmen...? Nope, not sure, but am sure I know little to bugger-all about her…wonder what else she's done?
So you start to do a little research and, of a sudden open a Pandora’s Box of talent and ability you never dreamt of finding. I know that you’ll all be so much further down this particular road than me, you guys usually are but, well, to my shame this was me a few years ago when I came into contact with Linda Ronstadt.
The first inkling came as I perused the information on my Paul Simon album, Gracelands. In amongst the list of support for that album was the name (Ms. Ronstadt) against the B.V. for the track Under African Skies. Have you heard that track recently? Her harmonies are nothing short of sublime and, over the years I’ve played that album, that particular track has been a standout for me and never once had I given it a thought as to who it was that was making the track such a haunting, spacious piece of work, I just figured it was one of the other band members’. It’s not. That’s her, and that’s what started me on the quest…bugger me, was I in for a surprise!
How can I possibly have missed out on a performer who’s made 11 Grammy Awards (that’s eleven) two Academy of Country Awards, an Emmy, an ALMA Award, a Tony and a Golden Globe Award nomination and had national and international gold, platinum and multiplatinum albums, worked with Philip Glass, James Taylor, Frank Zappa, Neil Young, Emmylou Harris, performed in a G&S work (Pirates of Penzance) gigged with The Muppets appeared in a dozen or more films and, AND performed in Puccini’s La Boheme at the New York Opera on this day in 1984…now, how is that possible?
So, I started to listen to some of her solo stuff. Now, I have to say, at the outset, I’m not a fan of much of her output (I’m just not a C&W kinda guy) but there’s no getting away from the fact that, as you listen to her back catalogue, it quickly becomes obvious that one is in the presence of someone of real vocal stature and ability, and when that’s added to by her songwriting abilities, well, hat’s off really.
What turned it round for me and also made me a sleeping-follower of Ms. Ronstadt is her political stance and her fearless statements when she sees an arse doing something so wrong that it can’t be countenanced: In 2006, Ms. Ronstadt told the Calgary Sun that she was;
….embarrassed George Bush is from the United States.... He’s an idiot.... He’s enormously incompetent on both the domestic and international scenes. And now the fact that we were lied to about the reasons for entering into war against Iraq and thousands of people have died – it’s just as immoral as racism.
Don’t sugar-coat it, Linda, tell it like it is.
That kind of outspoken stuff has gotten her into hot water with the rich and powerful and, I’d guess, has affected her career (they’re like that, these arrogant tossers, they bear a grudge…for fuckin’ years) but she also followed up that one by saying of the Los Angeles psyche as she left the city where all her recording work was being done and moved to Tucson;
I couldn’t breathe the air, and I didn’t want to drive on the freeways to get to the studio. I also didn’t want to embrace the values that have been so completely embraced by that city. Are you glamorous? Are you rich? Are you important? Do you have clout? It’s just not me, and it never was me.
Not only biting the hand but shredding it and chucking it on the fire too. The tragedy of all this is that Ms. Ronstadt has now been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease which has robbed her of her ability to sing…is that cruel or what? Yes, she has made a dubious move or two (and of course we never have, have we?) but my goodness, I’ll take her warts and all in preference to any number of modern-day rock divas; can’t hold a candle to her for talent and output…and political conscience.

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