
Friday, October 24, 2014

Grace Slick; Alice's drug runner......

October 23rd – We’ve raided the stupidity files here before but it’s a rich vein to mine. Try this one for size.
We all know, anyone with even a modicum of street awareness that is, that there has never been a better piece of propaganda launched than the tired old, War on Drugs threat that successive governments have foisted on a, in the main, totally unresponsive and underwhelmed populace.
If we just cast our minds back (you don’t have to go too far) we can all come up with rabid reasons for recent inter-gang drug cartels all wanting a bigger piece of the action (China, Japan, Mexico, Columbia…the list is endless) and of the arrogance of the west who STILL think they know best and by so doing alienate vast swathes of hard-working people in many countries by destroying the only available farm crop they have, thereby removing their means to earning a livelihood, and of the multi-millions (guilty and innocent alike) who have died because of these policies…and this, we are told, is the best solution to the problem…jeeze, talk about intellects’ the size of weevils. So, in the interests of fairness we have to ask;
Is it working?
I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusions.
In Mexico, where drug-dealing is the direct cause and since 2006, 43,000 people have been killed; the pace of killings is escalating (in just one attack just over twelve months ago, 52 people were killed – mostly women playing bingo – when gunmen torched a Monterrey casino) with more than half the dead, 22,000, killed in just the last 18 months; so that’s a kill-rate of one person every 35 minutes. You wanna think about that for a few minutes…not too long otherwise you’ll be forever behind the total, but it does bear a few moments to consider, if only in respect of the innocents. And yet how can this be when the US alone spends $50bn per year on its misnamed War on Drugs policy. $50bn. Like the charity collections that go on year-in-year-out to help Africa or India or Bangladesh; you wanna try and add up how much these worthy causes have been given over the past 30 years? Figures are hard to come by but suffice to say that US businesses alone have given $2.8bn every year; Oprah Winfrey alone has gathered together $225m from other sources and has personally donated around $40m; in Britain we donate £23.5bn to aid causes…and this is just personal donations mind, no government involvement, no NGO’s and donation by kind, just what we, as individuals, are prepared to give. Now you could be excused for asking; How come we’re still handing over these vast sums? If the situation is still as bad what good has all that money done? I mean, OK, it’s saved the lives of millions of innocent people but if the situation hasn’t improved, if we’re all just waiting for the next one then…what was and is the point? Are we just leaving them to die another day?
I’ll leave you to ponder.
What I wanted to highlight was just what level of idiocy can be achieved with very little effort. That the cul-de-sac mentality of the people we allow to be in charge of such things; drugs, famine, overseas development and such, has, can and will plumb almost any depth in its misreading of the situation.
White Rabbit, a song written by Grace Slick (singer-songwriter-artist) and which we’ve come up against before in this daily guff, was recorded by Jefferson Airplane on the Surrealistic Pillow album released in 66/7. I’ve written of my liking for the track purely on performance grounds, it’s a standout performance by Ms. Slick that for me has yet to be bettered. The background and meaning to its lyrics have been discussed and chewed over for years (not going to do it again you’ll be relieved to know, that’ll be over to you) but we can start with some givens.
1) Yes, it does refer to the stories that many American parents read to their children; that these children read in school; that these children performed in plays about; that was written by a revered children’s author of the 19th century: Lewis Carroll.
2) Yes, it does make a connection between the Adventures of Alice and the use of hallucinatory products to achieve a similar aim, a similar view on the world.
3) Yes, the original stories contained references to a hookah-smoking caterpillar that Alice meets and has a conversation with and, yes, hookahs are one way of delivering mind-altering drugs.
4) Yes, Ms. Slick used the slow-build of Ravel’s Bolero as the template for the songs trajectory from opening to dénouement.
For me it’s a perfect pop song perfectly delivered and carrying enough subterfuge and literate references to keep it interesting…and as for her voice? But you see, for all it’s literate phrasing and referencing, for those with a stunted enough intellect it has dubious, possibly subversive undertones, and these undertones need to be rooted out of the minds of our children; Amen.
So, as part of their all-reaching War on Drugs policy, on this day in 1998, Fort Zumwalt High School in St. Louis, with backing of the judiciary, the good townsfolk and the federal government’s paid representatives, took a case to the courts which sought to ban the playing of the song, White Rabbit’, by the school’s marching band as it;
Contained drug references.
Yes it does, well fuckin’ spotted. It also contains;
References to feminism, sexual equality, to bigotry, to racism, to the fact that, yes, we can turn to literature to find some of the answers to the human condition, that some of those answers will advice us on how to reverse the fuck-ups being perpetrated daily by money-grubbing conglomerates and all done with our un-requested permission given through our passivity. Yes, it foretells the beginning of a time of oversubscription by doctors of mother’s little helpers and where that will and has led. Yes, it tells of a way to seek enlightenment that isn’t always through the voice of your elders and betters, that answers can be found by looking inward and that, as with any work of fiction (and that’s what this song is) just by taking time to read the lyrics, to read and understand, answers will be found by those prepared to look:
Didn’t see ‘em going to court over that sort of subversive content did we? Well done Fort Zumwalt High School; money and time well spent…
Just taken me one hour and forty minutes to write this…woman, man, child…? There’s another three gone.

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