
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Marriages made for a car-crash

October 21st – Don’t you wish sometimes that you’d kept your mouth shut? You know, realised the hole you were already standing in was deep enough without you shovelling yet more shit out of it? That you should maybe have listened to the council of friends?
They say money will buy you everything but in my book not even £10m would be worth selling my credibility and self-esteem for…or maybe there just comes a point…
There are certain hook-ups that you sort of see happening and you think right at the outset;
That’s a car-crash relationship, that one; absolutely.
By that token, my guess is that all was sweetness and light with Pammy and Tommy when they got hitched and I’d figure she was having as much fun as he was when they did all points of the physical compass on the boat whilst he filmed them. OK, I know, but some people like to watch their home movies when they’re in their dotage and remember the good times…perfectly acceptable; you wouldn’t invite the kids round to share a bag of cop porn (oopppsss, Freudian typo there) and a choc-ice whilst you reviewed the footage but, all the same, the memories and all… They do say the break up was repairable right up to the point where Tommy released the footage on the Net …not then it wasn’t. But it afforded some entertaining highlights and a good deal of noise for many millions (so I’m told) so all was not in vain and we have much to be thankful for (so I’m told). The fact that she did it again with Kid Rock (got married that is, not made another home movie…although, you never know) is beyond me; Kid Rock: there’s a face only a mother could love.
Mind you, I’m no oil-painting and no great shakes at these things either having been married twice, and IMHO would face a close run thing in a beauty pageant of warthogs so I know that we can all, for one reason or another, make mistakes, get things wrong, find our head in a noose of lies and deceit…however the fact that some folk not only fashion the noose but test the beam it’s gonna hang from then erect it as well? Now that’s a bit odd. Anyway, onto Ms. Minnelli.
She’s made an appearance here before over one thing or another and indeed, so has her sometime ex-hubby, David Gest. OK, now, honest answer time; would you marry him? OK. Thanks, now the girls…? Thought so. And yet Ms. Minnelli did so, how do we account for that? He must have had summat and that summat was sufficient for Ms. Minnelli to tie the knot, jump the broomstick…whatever. Now it would be fair to say the marriage wasn’t, admittedly, made in heaven (you really do have to be wary when the lady says;
Change my name? You want me to change my name? I don’t think so, make do or piss off
Still, I mean, it lasted eighteen months which, in Hollywood terms is, like, three Botox-lifetimes but I’ll bet there’s more than one person reading this who thought at the time;
Bugger me you two, don’t do it, it’ll end in tears
which, of course it did. Still, you gotta reckon that he must have summat about him to land a feisty lass like our Liza. She’s a hard-living no-nonsense woman so you’d reckon Mr. Gest would be pleased to have the kudos of being able to contain Ms. Minnelli in a marriage; a real feather in his macho-cap. Trouble was, after they separated, Mr, Gest took out a lawsuit against Ms. Minnelli on this day in 2003 for $10m and the affidavit containing the allegation that she;
Physically and emotionally abused him
So, that’s you’re macho streetcred-card played out for the future, I’d guess, which was made even worse when Ms. Minnelli counter-sued claiming;
He only did for the money
Now we have a reputation in tatters, don’t we?
End scene.

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