
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Some boys do, and some boys don't...

April 17th – “I had that Eddie Cochran in the back of the cab the other day…” 
I gather that, on this day in 2007, the band Arcturus officially announced they were splitting up…? Who they? I've never heard of them even when they were together…but then they've probably never heard of me so… More importantly, on this day in 1960, Eddie Cochran, someone I have heard of, finally made it to the third step; he was just 21. I've often fancied that he could have given Elvis Presley a run for his money, had he lived…which he didn't, so…but his music lives on…unlike him…this is becoming maudlin…and repetitious; sorry.
Unlike Mr. Presley, Mr. Cochran thought it was OK to travel to Great Britain…(just maybe not by taxi)…to Great Britain as it was then, not like now; the United Kingdom…not for long if the Scots have their way… whereas Elvis always fought shy of coming over here. I guess he was worried we’d discover that he was, in fact, three people, all of them two-headed electricity meter-readers who couldn't sing at all… All a bit weird really. I mean would it have been SO bad for Mr. Presley to pay us a visit? Would have made an awful lot of people very happy, certainly happier than finding out after the event that the man they adored, the man who’d died in particularly distressing, closet circumstances before they’d had chance to see him live, had indeed (supposedly) visited us; but after dark, on an airstrip, for all of ten minutes, en route to somewhere far more important than Prestwick…so that’ll be just about anywhere else  in the universe then…and claimed he had absolutely no idea where he was: doesn’t get any better with the telling, does  it? Bless. That’s the level of esteem he held the British contingent of his fan club in. He touched down, signed a few ‘graphs then we waved him off…great.
Eddie Cochrane, on the other hand, who gave us Summertime Blues (The Who did an excellent version of it on the Live at Leeds album and Blue Cheer did it fair justice too) who also gave us C’mon Everybody, the ultimate party song; who also gave us Somethin’ Else, what can only be described as, I venture to suggest, sublime pop, this Mr. Cochran came to visit his fans in England, stayed a while, did some gigs and then was travelling between gigs in a private taxi…and we killed him; great.

Then we had the audacity to allow Dave Dee (of Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich fame) to learn his chops on Mr. Cochrane’s impounded Gretsch guitar in order to gift the world with Bend It; now if that isn't rubbing salt into the wound…

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