
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

To Be or Not To Be...?

March 18th – I well remember a piece of graffiti from 20 or 30 years ago that went something like;
“Think of the money that would have been saved if Steve Austin had worn a seat-belt.”
Not gonna get into the detail of that, look him up on Wiki or YouTube. It just occurred to me that the way things just happen sometimes amazes and, if you think them through further, you can see how personal lives or world history could have been drastically altered; sometimes for the better, sometimes not. The set-up.
On this day in 1982 Blizzard of Oz were on a U.S. tour. Randy Rhodes, their guitarist at the time, had a fear of flying (yup, freakin’ aeroplanes again) but on a brief stop-over, a friend with a light aircraft offers to give the band members short flights in it. Rhodes refuses at first because of his fear of flying (key worry right there, Randy) but then agrees along with one of the company’s wardrobe girls to take a short flight as he wants to take some aerial photos. On a low pass (be VERY afraid of pilots who get you on board then start to show off their flying skills) on a low pass over the tour bus and with Rhodes taking photos, the plane’s wing clips the bus roof and crashes in a fireball…the plane’s cargo could only be identified by their dental records. Now, just consider that story for a moment…
OK, all done?
Scary, isn't it? I mean, apart from the awful events and the loss of a highly talented guitarist, look at the events surrounding Mr. Osborne that followed that terrible crash. If that event hadn't happened would we still have Ozzfest? He rejoined Black Sabbath and that album last year…made that atrocious series of him and his family (OK, that one we wouldn't miss…except maybe the puking bulldog) so, you can see how this pans out.
Now, change of scene, time and importance.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand in his carriage in Sarajevo, changes his itinerary at the last minute and, much the chagrin of his minders, goes off to visit the people wounded from a bomb detonated earlier in the city (which was meant for him) set off by the Black Hand Gang (yes, there really was one). Meanwhile, Gavrilo Princip, one of the Black Hand Gang members is wandering about the town in a sulk having heard of the recent bomb’s failure to kill Franzie. Instead of returning straight the gang’s base as he was supposed to he goes off-piste ‘cos he’s hungry, goes into a food shop, gets served, comes out, sees Franz Ferdinand coming out a hospital he wasn’t supposed to be going to and Mr. Princip makes the most of the opportunity and assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife… Roll-back.
How about, instead of being served immediately and leaving the shop in time to commit a double murder, how about the level of service in that shop was the same as it seems to be everywhere else? How about Gavrilo Princip is held up in a queue of shoppers all being very slowly attended to by a surly, underachieving till assistant and is not out the shop in time to see Franz Ferdinand and wife leave the hospital and drive home…? Outcome? No World War One! Except…if there hadn't been a W.W.1 then all those people wouldn’t have died, we wouldn't have had W.W.2 (the replay of all replays) and very probably my mum wouldn't have been born and then would never have met my dad and…? Hm…now, that’s some choice.
1) The pangs of hunger leading to an on-the-spot decision being made to murder a member of the Austrian royal family all leading to the loss of multi-millions of lives in two world wars and so rearranging the human demographic of whole areas of the country or:
2) The move down south from Lancashire by my grandfather after he'd been gassed a Ypres in WW1 and could no longer work indoors at the cotton mill, which led to my mum being born close enough for her and dad to meet up…and then me not being born…and then me going on to support Black Sabbath in a band I was in in 60’s and then the loss of pleasure I get from listening to their ‘Mob Rules’ album…but, if that had been the case, you know, WW1, WW2, mum, dad, the whole birth thing, then I’d not know I’d not been born ‘cos…well, I’d not be born…but, knowing what I know now, would I prefer…?

Moral of the day; too much thinking is a bad thing…

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