
Monday, March 31, 2014

'Til death, or the needs for a different arrangement, do us part.....

March 29th – Divorces and partings concerning the heart are never very pleasant, are they? There’s always a mess left behind with either hearth or heart. After the event and even in the most amicable of separations there will always be a flash of, “the bastard” floating about at sometime in the process even if, at close of play, everyone ends up being the very best of friends.
I’m reminded of the ‘coffee table’ analogy in ‘When Harry Met Sally’ and that about sums up what can happen. That the little things come back to haunt and we can become focussed on them, to our detriment it has to be said. I mean, be honest, who amongst us who’s been involved in a partnership breakdown hasn't secretly sat at home three years later and thought;
“That bloody book, LP, china ornament (whatever – you fill in the item) was really mine; I remember buying it; saving up and buying it. Bet he/she stuffed it away when I went round to divide up the spoils; hid it…worth a fortune now…”?
Hm? OK, just me then. Right. Well for those of you that don’t know this sensation (?) it can be debilitating if you let it get a hold. It colours your world and can make dark clouds appear on what is, under normal circumstances, the beautiful sunny life you now have; and this is just little things we’re talking about. So, imagine if it’s not a first edition Gould or some obscure recording of Rory Gallagher that we’re talking about. Imagine if it’s your whole career… Like Ike Turner. 
How’d things go after his divorce from Tina?
That’s right; not well.
How’d hers go after her divorce from Ike?
That’s right; much better.
Tales of her abusive partnership and the resentment that Ike felt for Tina, of her abilities and her burgeoning career, seemingly tainted his feelings for her throughout their time together. I’m sure Ike kept himself as busy (musically) as he could but try as I might, I can’t think of a single release by him post Tina; but Tina post Ike? ‘Private Dancer’ was just one of several album releases that have embedded themselves into the musical consciousness of millions, and her film work and seminal tours and performances of the 80’s still come under discussion by those who were there…and by those that weren’t. My feeling on a lot of these events is that things will happen only when the time is right for them to happen, but you have to kinda wish that Tina, as with many others that we know of, didn't have to go through the often-times painful journey to get there. 

It’s almost that, if you liken their post-breakup careers to the dissemination of the household goods and chattels involved in your own breakup (those of you that have gone through one, that is) then it’s like Tina left with the new stereo and her personal jewellery and left Ike with that metaphorical Capo de Monte tramp figurine that the mother-in-law gave them as a wedding present, so all wasn't lost, was it…

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