
Friday, February 28, 2014

How pissed are you?

February 28th – There are lots of reasons to get upset with the stars in the music industry and lots of ways to advertise your unhappiness with them. You could stand at the very front of the stage wearing a ‘T’ shirt of a rival band, you could carry a placard at their concert with a pithy critique of their last album, something like, er…“Your last album had all the musical appeal of a donkey farting through a tissue-wrapped hair comb.” You could buy one of their albums and set fire to it outside the venue before urinating on it to put it out. You could wait for their record to be played on the radio and turn it off in a grand gesture of funk. You could spread rumours, like, er… “Darkness are just Barbara Streisand on speed”. So having got an idea of the veritable dictionary of choices and seeing how this thing works, how would you advertise your displeasure at a Ray Charles concert? 

Well, in 1977 an audience member decided that, as he didn't like either the performer (in which case, why go?) or the songs he was performing (did he think he was going to a Peter, Paul and Mary concert or something?) that he would register his disappointment by climbing up on stage and trying to strangle the blind Mr. Charles with a rope…! I’m gonna leave it there; say no more; just re read that last bit, work out the various permutations in it and then call me; we’ll talk…

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