
Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Smug? Moi?

February 5th – There’s a certain gene in everyone (don’t deny it) that somehow, totally against the everyday persona that we project, makes us take perverse delight in seeing or reading about a show-off someone or other getting a smack across the face with a hypothetical halibut. I believe it’s called the 'yah-boo-sucks to you' gene. Two personal stories that show me up in the worst possible light to get the ball rolling. 
Case 1: 
I can recall, in Wolverhampton back in the 90’s, being at a set of traffic lights on a Saturday afternoon and having a couple young lads in a road altered, flare-wheel-arched, massive exhaust piped (bigger the exhaust pipe – smaller the dick) Fiat summat-or-other, rev the arse off their car behind me until the lights changed. As I turned right they followed suit, skidding past me and setting off down the ring-road dual carriageway at high speed. Now, what I knew but they obviously didn't was this Saturday was a match day (this was a time when Wolverhampton Wanderers actually played football) and ahead of us all, down the two lane and around a bend, would be the usual LONG traffic jam leading to the island at the bottom. Sure enough, I rounded the bend to see the car make its entry into the shrubbery in the wide, grass-covered, council-planted carriageway partition after completing its second roll over. No one else was involved, just these two in the Fiat and, as I drew gently to halt at the rear of the queue I had the pleasure of seeing the two lads emerge unhurt from the wreckage all bewilderment and acrimonious discussion, on the verge of starting a fist fight with each other and I thought;
'The one who was driving…? Probably wasn't his car… The one in passenger seat...? Was probably his...'
I seem to remember waving and smiling at them as I drove off; was this very wrong of me or was it just the uncontrollable surfacing of the yah-boo gene?
Case 2: A regular venue we played at throughout the 60’s/70’s was ‘The Hen and Chickens’ on the Birmingham New Road. Great venue, excellent vibe and always, always packed to bursting with a knowledgeable music crowd. We toured on the same circuit as most of the West Midland bands of the time and often came into contact with them as we all tried to either cross the void between semi-pro and pro or cement our position on the pro-circuit. Suffice to say that competition was quite high between us; we ALL thought we were the best band around, the only difference being that, well, we were the best band around!
Cozy Powell was on drums in a band called ‘The Young Bloods’ at the time, and they were quite good…if you like that sort of thing… Over it now. Anyhow, we were booked to play ‘The Hen and Chickens’ as their support (that went down like a cup of cold sick with us, as you can imagine). So, we get there in the full knowledge that the dressing room at the rear of the stage is a shared one and knowing the sort of commentary that would be going on. I remember having to listen to them, and, it has to be said Cozy in particular, lay on the ‘headline band/support act’ shit with a trowel. Right. I’d like to say here and now, I thought then and still do now that Cozy was a very good drummer. I also thought he was too much of a showman, not ‘band’ oriented enough for me. Not a fault, just the way he was and it led him on to great things, so what the fuck do I know? However, I believed then and still do now that I was the better drummer…so you can tell immediately who the arrogant one of us two was… So, we’re getting GBH of the ear’ole from ‘The Young Bloods’ line-up throughout the lead up to our taking the stage for the start of the evening. I seem to remember one of their closing lines to us being, “They’ll boo you off after two numbers…”
Cut to the chase, at the close of our set, which we ended with our version of Cream’s ‘Spoonful’ the crowd (packed and knowledgeable…you’ll remember) wouldn't let us leave the stage. We did two encores and they still wanted more. It was at this point that ‘The Young Bloods’ tempers frayed somewhat and they tried to force their way on stage whereupon they were booed roundly… I remember struggling mightily with my yar-boo gene but couldn't stop it from forcing me to catch Mr. Powell’s eye as he stood in the open doorway of the dressing room and mouthing; “Who are you again?”
What’s brought on this personal admission of my less than sporting behaviour and fellow feeling? Well, you know by now, or you do if you've been paying attention this past month or so, that I’m not a Rolling Stones fan. Always thought they were too pretentious for their own good (and I was right; they've made NOTHING of themselves, have they? Nothing.) So, imagine my delight when I rediscovered the news that on this day in 1967 and just seven days after Mick Jagger had sued the News of the World (aka News of the Screws) for using his name in an article about drug-taking pop stars, the police raided fellow Stones member Keith Richards’ home and busted all the Rolling Stones (including Mr. Jagger) on drug charges…that’s really petty of me, I know; it’s that yah-boo gene again…

I now await the arrival of the Cozy Powell fan club to come and wipe the smirk of MY face.

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