
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mr. Clapton's renown for a guitar collection is better than Rick James' renown for...

August 21st – Some folk collect stamps, some folks beer mats, glasses, sugar packets…(?)… I mean, I used to collect fag packets…so what have I got to be surprised at. I think I had a collection of about 1500 or two thou when I stopped. It was in my formative years back in the mid-late 50’s and, even though I say so myself, I was quite and expert; no, seriously, I was. I could look at, say, six empty packets of WD&HO Wills Wild Woodbine’ (coffin nails) and point out the different wording, placements of the same wording, the address on the side (sometimes Nottingham sometimes Belfast). I had some real rarities…made my dad buy and smoke some several brands of fancy stuff that were probably 50% camel shit and all for the packet to add to my collection ‘cos that was the only way I’d ever get such unusual makes…and anyway, if dad had developed lung cancer, I’m sure it would have been of a more exotic type so that would have made him feel exclusive…he didn’t, but…
Fag shops back then, tobacconists to the wealthy, were akin to going into a Pokémon card shop today. The bright colours, the different varieties… and the smell… Wonderful: no wonder we got hooked…although, I have to say, as an ex-smoker, that had I been made to smoke a pack of ‘Capstan Full Strength’ then I’d probably never have got past the first draw. By gum they were some strong stuff; almost like smoking road-mender’s bitumen.
In the music field some folk collect guitars (Mr. Clapton owned 75 at one time which is small-fry compared to Joe Perry – of Aerosmith – who apparently owns 600…?). I know drummers have a penchant for snares and cymbals…and probably specific kik-pedals too; perfectly understandable, but 600 lead guitars…? Still, you’d never go cold of a winter’s night would you? Give them a poke; they’d probably burn all night. Gold discs is another collection point, obvious candidates being Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Michael Jackson but, here’s the teaser; who had the biggest collection of detectable, illegal substances in their bloodstream when they were found dead? That’s stopped y’, aint it? Think you can get it? OK; shout when you’ve guessed it…here we go.
This person admitted to spending around $7,000 a week on drugs for five straight years: was sent to jail for imprisoning a girl for 6 days, during which time he physically and sexually abused her whilst on a drugs binge: kidnapped, with a colleague, a music executive (Mary Sauger) and beat her over a 20 hour period: was accused of a serious sexual assault…but got off… how we doin’?
OK. Step forward, Rick James.
With a record career that included hits like Superfreak and Give it to Me, Baby’, with Grammy awards, gold discs and a fan-base of millions, he still managed to run a car-crash of a life that left him a diabetic with a pacemaker and cocaine and crack addiction, and a serious weight problem; when his autopsy was completed following his heart attack…at 56…the number of prescription and non-prescription drugs found in his bloodstream were greater than the average lab rat; alprazolam, diazepam, bupropion, citalopram, hydrocodone, digoxin, chlorpheniramine, metamphetamine…and that good ole’ standby, cocaine; way t’ go, Rick.

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