
Saturday, August 09, 2014

Lionel Richie; How to hide your love away...

August 9th – Taking on the role of Agony Aunt (I think I’ll call myself Uncle Gawp…a sort of very dodgy Agony Uncle) I’d like to pass on a bit of wisdom (I stole his flat cap from a film set in the 60’s) to all who read this stuff of mine…yes, all three of you.
There’s probably nothing quite as gullible as a woman in love, and there’s probably nothing as stupid as a man (or woman – no taboos here) who thinks he/she can fool a woman who’s in love with him/her (you can swap that round for his/his to achieve sexual neutrality, I just can’t be arsed…whoopsssss…deliberate Freudian slip alarm; neither can I write about the obverse, ‘there’s probably nothing quite as gullible as a man in love’ ‘cos more often than not it aint applicable). There we are, most bases covered, a statement of intent made as to the next forty-or-so lines and probably a plummet in the number of readers of this blurb of mine by about 60%...oh, OK, 80% then…
OK, it’s question-time. How long do you think it would take you to work out to the point when you really knew, that your partner was being unfaithful? In a heartbeat; in a week; a month…inside of 7 years? (I’ll come back to this in a bit). Most people, of either sex and in stable relationships…(that’s as in secure not as in horse; I want to be completely PC but draw the line at bestiality)…most people, of either sex and in stable relationships believe they would pick up the signs and signals early; that they’d just know something was wrong…oh, really? Most people who have been through a break up caused by the involvement of a third person (or a group of third persons) certainly with those that I know, were, by and large, the last one to find out, even when the writing was on a wall opposite their house and ten-feet tall…in day-glo paint…and spot lit during the hours of darkness…with a 5k SuperTrooper. I think, post affair, it’s the trust thing that suffers the biggest plummet in any relationship ‘cos without that there’s nowt, so you invest, you lay yourself open to fulfilment (which is often just on the ragged edge of embarrassment) and plan the rest of your life with him or her. When (if) it goes tits there’s often a real and genuine element of surprise at the time of the discovery; that also goes with the territory. You see, in order to be fooled you have to trust and believe. That’s how magicians and street tricksters, con-men and grifters ply their trade; they prey on your all-believing vulnerability; you only see what was behind the smoke and mirrors when they’ve left.
It’s only later that you begin to see what you missed and what really was, when you really analyse it, that spot-lit day-glo mural outside the window; it’s only then you smack the palm of your hand against your forehead and say
You dummy.’.
But don’t punish yourself for your lapse in perspicacity; you’re not the first and you sure as hell won’t be the last. Rather, learn from it, promise yourself you’ll never be so naive again, never so short sighted, that you’ll enter into the next relationship with both eyes wide open, both feet on the ground and the benefit of hindsight and learning, right up to the point where you fall in love again…
Remember that arbitrary time span I gave you earlier, remember? That one about when you really knew your partner was being unfaithful…inside of 7 years? You’d reckon that the higher the profile the more chance of being found out if you actually were guilty of doing anything wrong. I mean, a starlet or famestud only has to take time out to visit a hostelry somewhere and have just a little too much to drink or be seen outside wearing the wrong pair of jeans to find the paparazzi are all over him/her like shingles, so it’s one would imagine it would be highly unlikely they’d be able to escape discovery of something really juicy… On this day in 1993, Lionel Richie’s divorce finally came through and he was able to sign off on his college sweetheart and first wife, Brenda Harvey and move in with the lady he’d been having a secret affair with…for seven years. Seven years; Lionel Richie; seems love really is blind, y’know?

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