
Friday, May 09, 2014

Rampant Rabbit

May 9th – You all know, by now, of the high regard I hold country music in? I wrote, way back in January, about how it pretty well leaves me cold; too may puppies dying for my taste. Yes, of course I've heard of Dolly Parton; I believe she has an excellent pair of lungs and can really turn a toon as they say in the Grand ole’ Oprey…………OK, OK, they don’t say that at all, that was lie…OK, alright, and it was a cheap jibe by me at Ms. Parton for which I apologise unreservedly; her lungs are rubbish.
It constantly amazes me how popular country performers are. They have followers in the millions…in the zillions almost…and are revered with adulation by their fans. It’s like a separate universe…a parallel one almost where these god-like giants bestride the land like a colossus destroying all previous steel guitar records (that’s records as in ‘those who were thought to have been the best at C&W but now no longer are’ as opposed to actually destroying C&W records…although…) and doing sell-out concerts in the bayou.
So, you can imagine my surprise when I read that, on this day in 2005, Kenney Chesney married Renee Zellweger…! What? No, idiot, not Ms. Zellweger, of course I've heard of her. She did the Bridget Jones gigs (which were OK) as well as a really excellent turn as Beatrix Potter in the movie, Miss Potter. For an American, she played the role tolerably well; tolerably. After I’d seen the film I got the book and read that. Now that WAS an eye opener! I had no idea of Beatrix Potter’s influence on the Lake District in particular and the National Trust in general. The book was a cracking read (recommended) and the strength of the Ms. Potter character comes through far better than in the film…but Ms. Zellweger still did a good job on it.
Anyway, so she marries this Mr. Chesney fella and I thought, who he? Turns out he’s a MASSIVE C&W seller with sufficient awards and gongs for his work to sink a dozen Elton John careers. Goodness me! Sad to say his married life to Renee was not on a par with is recording longevity; it only lasted four short months. Still it gave him song writing inspiration (bit far to go to get a lyric but, what do I know?) and I suppose Ms. Zellweger was happy to put his feather in her cap. There’s no record of why they split; too much rabbit from Renee, possibly? Sorry, just slipped out...said the gardener to the art mistress.

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