
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Cindy Lauper - A retraction.

June 22nd – I would guess I’ve been as bad as the next at jumping to conclusions about things and people…what was that lovely comment… erm, oh, that’s it…
“Why did you take an instant dislike to me?”
“Saves time.”
Trouble is, do it often enough and you can sort of get into the habit of writing off people, things and events that would otherwise inform or fascinate.
Like everyone else too, I fight against the desire to be hyper-critical and judgemental (except when it comes to politicians…oh, and the over privileged and jam doughnuts that, when you bite into them, contain no jam…oh, and people who invite you round to dinner and then don’t serve a dessert). Apart from those minor irritations…oh, and conglomerates and those Go Compare ads…apart from those minor irritations I try to see the obverse side before I make a call on it or them…isn’t there a saying that goes;
“Before you declare your dislike for someone and their lifestyle, try walking a mile in their shoes; that way you can continue to dislike them AND you’ve got their shoes.”
Well, that was me and Cindy Lauper who was born on this day in 1953.
No, I didn’t steal her shoes, idiot. I mean when she first came on the music scene in the 80’s I have to admit I did write her off as just another bubble-gum songstress of the Bananarama-Bangles idiom…sort of all filler-no killer, if I may corrupt the saying. I think the media hyped the ditzy blonde, the stereotype I’d been living with since I was able to comprehend the written word, which had permeated to such a degree that it was ingrained. Luckily for me, the experiences I’ve had (I’ll never be able to use that car park again) and the things I’ve been involved in (nor that restaurant) have allowed me to alter those perceptions…that’s what I mean when I write about the content of the red-tops and slag-mags, about the Eastenders blueprint for healthy living and the cheap-to-produce abuse and suffering programmes on TV that Jeremy Kyle wallows in…sorry, got sidetracked…
Me and Cindy Lauper. Now? Well, I can’t say I’m a convert but I value her musical output and her stance on issues that both inform and educate to a greater degree now since I heard an hour-long interview with her on Radio Two…and Time After Time really is an excellent track. So, I’d like to apologise, Ms. Lauper; sorry.

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