
Friday, May 16, 2014

Stupid behaviour in the creche of pop.

May 16th – I’m sorry, I know we've covered him before but this sort of toss-pot stupidity just gives the human race a bad name and needs flagging up. I know that, as a popular performer, it may be seen as a good thing to keep your image fresh in eyes of the public, but you’re so wrong and on so many levels.
With anything or anyone that becomes popular, why is it, do you think, its or your legion of fans took to you or it in the first place? Do you really believe that after pledging allegiance to your flag they then wanted you to, oh, I don’t know, change the layout of the Marmite bottle for instance…call it after the Aussie variety (Vegemite)? Do Walkers really believe that if they changed the name of their Salt and Vinegar crisp to the crisp formerly known as Salt and Vinegar they would double the sales, or capture a whole new audience? No, they wouldn't. What the audience want is what you sell, that’s why they buy it…I mean, Marathon – Snickers; WTF was that all about? And, while I’m on the subject, doesn't Cadbury’s chocolate taste crap now the Yanks have bought it up…? Kraft have single-handedly and in the space of a couple of years reduced what was the quintessential taste of English chocolate into something resembling the scrapings from a Twinkie bar…or the underside of a shoe. I’m waiting for Green & Blacks to have the same bland, uninteresting, homogeneous taste now that they, too, have been taken over by the company that gave us Dairylea Cheese Slices. The nation who have gradually brought the rest of the English-speaking world to believe that by putting cheese on something they turn it from just food into a gourmet experience. Couple more years and their world domination of turning once lip-smacking treats into just so much mush will be complete… sorry, off on one; sorry.
What it is, if you’ll remember from previous posts, is that, of a sudden, they (the stars) begin to believe their own press cuttings and from then on they become, like Gazza (footballer not district of Palestine) or Taylor Swift or, heaven forefend, Donald Trump; embarking on a highway to ridicule. Don’t know ‘bout you but, I actually liked some of Prince’s early work. I mean I didn't rush out and buy any but I thought his tour show done in the round was quite interesting and, although his continuing use of numbers in the titles of his albums is really quite childish and annoying, he does put out some worthy work…if only he’d stop buggering about with his name!
On this day in 2000, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince announced he will start using his name again; Prince. Not Jamie Starr or Christopher or Alexander Nevermind or Joey Coco or Some Silly Symbol or The Artist Formerly Known as Prince or The Artist…just Prince… FFS, Prince, it isn't big (neither are you, but that’s beside the point) and it isn't clever. Stop it or I’ll take away your crayons.

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