
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Gimmie, gimmie, gimme.....

May 11th – One of the saddest books I've read? Noel Redding’s biography. He died on this day in 2003 and my guess he went with unfinished business and pain in his heart too. I know, sounds strange, I know. The thing is, you see, the thing is we never really know how these things are played out do we? I mean, the Jimi Hendrix Experience is, for me, the quintessential rock band. I have owned, at one time, everything they have ever produced…and I’m not talking about those travesties of shite that greedy companies put out year on year; the out-takes, the rubbish, the noodlings and the utter tripe that is hailed as an all new set of recordings by Jimi Hendrix. Don’t listen to ‘em and don’t buy ‘em. It’s just grubby pound notes gliding into the pocket of some fuck-wit, money-grubbing arse that pretends that he really likes Hendrix, man. and is doing him and us a favour by releasing these forgotten gems (oh, yeah…tell you what, the only favour you’re doing is to your own bank balance, end of. Why th’ fuck do you think they weren't released in the first place? They weren't released in the first place because they were sub-standard, that’s why. Arse).
These trivial scratchings only serve to denigrate the memory of a really special band…with a really special front man… really special.
He’s the only guitarist who never, ever fails to send footsteps over my grave whenever I listen to him and I've played his records to within a millimetre of their thickness, know the entire back catalogue (of quality) can sing most of the lyrics and have performed many of them on stage with various bands…that reminds me...
I remember doing a version of Fire. We opened the second act with it, and here’s the thing. This was back in the day when H&S was shorthand for Hers and Sirs so we were at liberty to do what we wanted with the various fire elements for our show. So…we cut squares of material, bodged a hole in the centre, fixed them to four of my six cymbals, put four HUGE piles of flash powder on them (one at each side…artistic see…and this was a time when flash powder came in a tub and you ladled out how much you thought you’d need with a spoon) and then soaked the whole in lighter fuel. I can hear the sharp intake of breath from here. Anyhow, in the lead break of Fire our singer would set light to the cloth, the flames would leap into the air, the vapour would gradually burn off from the piles of flash powder…bit like the preparation of a crepe Suzette…and the remaining flames would set the flash powder off (you've seen the cannons on the AC/DC video of Those About To Rock? Think that, then bigger). Long story short, in Nuneaton we did our show in a club with no stage; band at floor level. Act two, rag, flash powder, lighter fuel, 'way we go, burn, burn...…drunk on stage to light fag…boom! No fag…no eyebrows, lashes or the front three inches of hair. Laugh? I nearly bought me own drink.
Anyway, off piste again. What came out in Mr. Redding’s biog was that the Jimi Hendrix Experience management tried to cut both him and Mitch Mitchell out of any royalty’s payments so they could keep what they'd fiddled them out of and make more on the re-releases even to the point of editing them out of any video footage…nice huh? After all that work they even went as far as slicing the video recordings so neither musician figured in them…bless, and all for a few extra shekels to fill their greasy palms. It’s what they do best, soil what are the greatest memories of the ordinary folk like me in order to buy themselves an extra bottle of malt a week…hope it chokes ‘em…Those of you in the biz, know and understand this; in the main as far as rock-band management goes:

OK, I’m over it now…thanks for listening. X!

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