
Monday, March 31, 2014

Thank God you were here......

March 31st – OK, here’s the scenario. You’re out with your mates on a night out, you've had a couple of tonic waters (no piss-head antics for you, you’re a serious guy/gal who has 'knowledge') and you’re feeling good about the night to come. You reach your destination, take your place in the arena of entertainment when, of a sudden, you are faced with the power of evil; yup, the Devil hisself!
You suspected he might be there but kinda hoped your night-out would be demon-free. The trouble is YOU are the only person who knows it’s him; the real one, the gen-you-iyne horn-ed beastie, he of 636 fame, Beelzebub, Satan, X-Factor judge, Loo-see-fur…so, what are you going to do about it?
You can’t tell your friends, they wouldn't believe you. With the level of alcohol they've consumed they hardly know who they are, you’d just waste time in the explanation…and time isn't something you've got plenty of, not if you want to stop the destruction of all you hold dear; crème brulee with a strawberry and rhubarb base, crispy pork crackling, home-made marmalade spread thickly on hot-buttered toast… No, you’re going to have to handle this one on your own, buddy.
You search around for a weapon, remembering all those X-Men and vampire movies you've seen where something suitable with which to deal with the epitome of evil just happens to come to hand in time for the rich, handsome hero/heroine to use it and save the planet… 

There’s something to ponder. Why is it always some rich, titled, chinless twerp that’s preserved…? No, on second thoughts, who’d want to ensure the continuation of a life by embracing the lifestyle of a gutter-snipe urchin reared on a diet of drudgery and strife over the lifestyle of a rich, caviar-munching time of ease supported by a fleet of chauffeur-driven limos and lots of sweeties? No, I understand why now…right, back to the action…

...There are no magic-bolted crossbows, no silver bullets, let alone a gun to fire them from, and no magisterial support from a foreign nobleman who's studied the ways of the Evil One and so can shout encouragement from the sidelines; things like,
“Kick him in the goolies, that’ll slow him down!”
But wait! What’s this? Suddenly you feel empowered as you reach into your jacket pocket and discover…a penknife... 

There’s something to ponder. I mean, nowadays they scan you with detectors when you go into most places where crowds are gathered; imagine if this search strategy was in operation in, say, Dracula (not those endless rubbish remakes from the Hammer House of Horrors film studio I mean the original Bram Stoker work, now there's a real scary story) what if this search strategy was in operation in that instance; where would we be then? I tell you where; fucked. No crème brulee with a strawberry and rhubarb base, no crispy pork crackling, no marmalade spread thickly on hot-buttered toast…in fact the end of civilisation as we know it, that’s where we'd be, and all because of some overzealous security hack. So, on with the tale.

...You draw the weapon gently from your pocket and open the blade, carefully concealing both it and your purpose so as not to startle the Emissary of Evil. Then, with a huge leap you’re up and alongside him! The crowd gasps as, faced with you and your three-inch apple-peeler in your raised hand, Satan’s face registers fear, loathing and menace all in the same expression (imagine something like a gurning gargoyle or a 100 year-old Steve Tyler; that’s what he looks like) because he knows he's facing a worthy adversary… Satan raises his axe (Gibson 335, Cherry, gold pick-ups) to fight back, then, all goes black…

Now, I know that there’s much to consider here but, really, I mean, of all the things alluded to above one of them is really, really highly unlikely; I mean, who goes out to fight and slay the Devil with a penknife? Well, Mr. Lance Cunningham for one.
On this day in 1995, Mr. Cunningham stormed the stage…can one person ‘storm’ anything? Journalistic licence, I guess… so, he stormed the stage at a concert given by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant because he knew, he alone knew that Page was, in fact, Satan. Determined though he was, Mr. Cunningham was a bit off with the hacking and slashing, the result being that Satan Page escaped his nemesis…but four audience members were injured in the process. 

So there you have it. Keep a watchful eye open ye brothers and sisters of Buffy, he’s still out there waiting, guitaring, re-defining the 12-bar blues. Just make sure you keep yourself well-armed, a carefully concealed spatula or pastry brush may just be the thing that saves humankind from a fate worse than Rock ‘n’ Roll…

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