
Monday, March 24, 2014

Careful; you might just smile...

March 24th – I never even knew they were married! I suppose though, when I think back, because she always looked so bloody miserable, I should’ve guessed.
What is it with folk that having it all makes them so bloody sour? I mean, take whassername, her out of the Spice Girls, the one that married that footballer….wore a dress (not her, him) played soccer in the States (not very well)…Beckham! That’s it! Victoria! Got it! Right, take Victoria Beckham for starters. Is it a persona she cultivates in order to look cool, this look of perpetual boredom? Weren't there some lines of dialogue in that Umberto Eco book/film, ‘The Name of the Rose’ about comedy being against religious teachings because laughter made man look like an ape? Well, maybe Victoria is labouring under the same misapprehension ‘cos I can honestly say I've never seen her smile…I mean EVER. My guess is she’s been told that it’ll give her laughter lines, and...

(sorry for the delay, just sat down after a get-out at the theatre to write this, set iTunes to ‘random’ and headset on and the first track that played was the Doobie Bros…stopped me typing for a bit; ‘Without You’; excellent track…) now, where was I? Oh, yeah, the Beckhams… nah, not really...can't be arsed, they were just a diversion, too much been said about them already. What I was originally on about was Jack and Meg White.
I know the White Stripes were seen as rock band flavour of the month but I only ever saw them as ‘not quite a group’. I mean, OK, he could pluck a guitar a bit and she could whack a drum head but I always figured he was adequate and she was mediocre; were they too tight-fisted to pay a bass player? Well, it seems...

Sorry, just put the Doobie Bros on again, same track…same result, sorry…erm…yeah, right, White Stripes.
Well it seems that on this day in 2000 they got divorced, but they remained together as a working duo for a further eleven years…and forgive my irreverence but by god it showed. There seemed to be absolutely no joy in their working relationship nor in the music they made, and that begs the question, “Why do it?”
Why do something that makes you look so sodding fed up and pissed off. Is it just for the money, the fame, certainly wasn’t for their relationship. If I was involved in something that had flipped over my marriage I’d give carrying on doing it some serious thought, wouldn't you? Mind you, their split came shortly after releasing their second album, ‘De Stijl’.

My guess? That album title was the straw that broke the gerbils back because whoever insisted on that album title must have been so far up their own ass they deserved to be given the heave-ho, with just a gold band for company…

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