
Monday, November 24, 2014

Freddie Mercury, Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher...or Missing Link?

November 24th – Doing some background research for my writing… Well, what a day…and what a time to listen to politicians justifying themselves and their behaviour.
Was anyone else made sick to their stomach at the time when listening to Norman Tebbit on Radio 4 a year ago today, or was that just miserable-old reactionary me? Here was a being whose considered opinion on the plight of the jobless (jobless because his government, under the brutal reign of Thatcher, was destroying the manufacturing base of this country and hiving it off to their friends) was for them to;
Get on their bikes and find work.
Then he has the temerity to tell the interviewer (who had the audacity to question his and his government’s role in the shoring up of apartheid) that he;
Got very annoyed at people who judged the past by the present without fully understanding the time that the political decisions were made in. Oh, really, Mr. Tebbit? You see, I’m just a simple peasant and you’ve got so much intelligence. I didn’t realise that there was a time when it was considered OK to beat someone to a bloody pulp with iron rods, string them doubled over on a pole and shove chilli pods up their arse in order to get them to admit they wanted a fairer world; so silly of me. That it was OK for a colonial power to keep a whole nation under control by beatings, murder, torture and rationing (blacks only) as well as deny them safety from oppression, a fair law policy and the vote; so silly of me. That it would serve the best interests of the population to deny them access to services, places and options for betterment because the white-folk saw it as their right but not the black mans’; so silly of me. Thank you so much for pointing that out; just think of the fool I could have made of myself if I’d spoken of these things in public. WAC.
I did a gig at the Albert Hall, ‘85’ I think, and amongst the covers we sprinkled in the set was, for me, a Queen pseudo-classic. On this day in 1991Freddie Mercury died and much has been made of his musical legacy, most of it deserved, although I have to say I considered his liaison with Monsterrat Caballe was ill-advised. Never mind, we’re all allowed the odd mistake, to get things wrong, even Nelson Mandela who, you may have noticed also died today. He once said;
I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.
Think you’ll find, Mr. Mandela that most folk would consider you a more deserving saint than, let’s say Saint Aaron of Aleth or Saint Opportuna. Not that I’m against either of those two worthy individuals but…well, read up on ’em if you want but I think you can take my word that Mr. Mandela is probably the more deserving.
Anyway, back at the Albert Hall, we (Missing Link) did a cover of, Is This the World We Created a track that pleases and annoys me in equal measure. Thing is the lyrics (see below) are very much in tune with the majority of my tenet of beliefs but the delivery is what lets it down but the way Mr. Mercury sings it (not to mention the syrupy guitar accompaniment by Brian May, as beautiful as it is. If it was me announcing these hideous crimes on humanity, I’d want my words to be accompanied by a buzz-saw and the merry sound of gelignite going off. Instead it comes out as plea, a begging request for tolerance; which, forgive my French, really fucks us up. Those in power rely on this sentimentality, this mawkishness if you will and our readiness for tears which weakens what should be our demands that they either join in the forces of intellectual understanding as to the meaning of right and wrong or they fuck off out of it. It deflects us from the need to kick down their fuckin’ doors grab them by the throat and shake them ’til their teeth rattle for their stupidity, their greed and their callous disregard for society…for want of a better set of words, their willingness to listen to saliva-soaked Tebbit-isms and be so stupid as to think;
Yup, that’s the way to go.
So today we lost Freddie Mercury and Nelson Mandela, both of whom had a way with words and so I give you three sets of them from three different sources…take your pick.

Freddie Mercury: From his song, Is This the World We Created: -
You know that every day a helpless child is born,
Who needs some loving care inside a happy home,
Somewhere a wealthy man is sitting on his throne,
Waiting for life to go by.

Margaret Thatcher: From her speech on Nelson Mandela: -
…that grubby little terrorist…

Nelson Mandela: From his speech at his trial in 1962: -
I was made, by the law, a criminal, not because of what I had done, but because of what I stood for, because of what I thought, because of my conscience.

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