
Monday, November 17, 2014

Beatle haircuts, the source of all our social ills

November 17th – Want to know why we've got the shit country we've got now? The UK? In the main it’s because well-connected people of little skill, experience and integrity but massive greed are running the core services of our country… and it really is that simple.
But the furore last year over the Attorney General accusing particular sections of the governing public of inbuilt corruption was only wrong in one aspect, and that was; the accusation being levelled at one particular country only. As far as recent events are concerned every country has its fair share of corrupt people in the high offices of both government and commerce. The US, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, all have sections of the populace or individuals who’re only interested in themselves and the making of a buck, and they really, really don’t care who and by how much they injure the general public. If you start out from a position of my ultra cynical belief that we really don’t amount to a single scintilla of shit to them then you’ll be ahead of the game when they make the next fuck-up on our behalf and you are forced to have to sort truth from fiction and act accordingly. A couple of recent items will suffice. As the saying goes: The reason I take an instant dislike to so many people as it saves me so much time in the long run.
Last year the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) was accused of deliberately driving businesses to the wall and into liquidation by withholding loans and funding so they could seize their assets and make a profit from them; if this accusation is proven (you’ll be so pleased to know there’s an inquiry going on and lessons have been learned) do you think for one moment that anyone will pay with their job, pension or, heaven forbid, go to prison?
At one and the same time, Serco and G4S were under investigation for deliberately falsifying accounts and information and swindling extra payments, amounting to multi-millions of pounds, from the government (that’s as in us the taxpayer) after they had taken over the several billion pound industry of looking after prisoners from their friends and shareholders in government.
Since hearing of the case of number 1 last year, I’ve noticed not a single banker wearing an arrowed suit and begging on the streets; you? In the case of number 2 and after a similar hiatus of…well anything really...I have to ask;
Then what the fuck am I paying my taxes to cover the cost of the justice and prisons departments for? Surely I could save a shit-load of cash  by sacking the ministers and their cronies in the civil service and let the corrupt outsiders run them; at least the salaries saved would pay for the fiddles.
Of the 600+ UK politicians at present in Westminster over 70% of them had claimed falsely for monies or benefits they were not entitled to; final amounts may never be known but the bill ran into multi-multi-millions; that’s nearly three-quarters of our elected politicians on the make during the expenses scandal. Of that 70% only around seven have paid with their jobs and only four have gone to prison. We paid for their defence bill when they had the audacity to fight the obvious in court, as well as for all of their court costs. The same has happened in the US and Canada…in Iraq, Syria, Australia, Thailand, Burma…countries full of greedy little fuckers who can’t see past their snout. Only the past-master at dodging anything regarding responsibility and making a name for himself for bullet-dodging, Lord Falconer (he of the O2 Arena debacle – and of course it was nothing to do with him, the total waste of funds and under budgeting, not his fault at all…) could come up with the definitive statement;
We are not corrupt.
What a tosser.
Problem is, in the UK, what we've inherited, from all the way back to the beginning of peopled time, is a world built on gaining positions through bribery and favours and a who you know culture that will continue to exclude over 96% of the British public from real positions of influence. When any post comes up in any department where influence might affect real outcomes that post will always go to someone already well-connected: always. Conversely, if the post is to do with building it’ll never be a builder; if the post is to do with the railways it’ll never be a railway worker; if the post is to do with prisons it’ll never be an ex-con. It’ll be a Lord or a Sir or a Lady who will sit in the seat of authority, and it matters not a jot whether they have experience in the field or not, they’re not there for that, they’re there to ensure the continuation of the status quo…and that’s why meaningful change never occurs.
So it should come as no surprise that, on this day in 1963, headmaster Mr. J. Weightman came up with this gem;
At Surrey Grammar School we are banning boys from wearing the popular Beatle-cu, the so called mop-top as this ridiculous style brings out the worst in boys physically. It makes them look like morons.
You need to read that carefully a couple of times and you’ll find that it encapsulates all that’s wrong with our full-on, class divided society and, what’s worse, even 50 years later, still is.

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