
Wednesday, October 01, 2014

That glove and the value of life.

October 1st – Bugger me, Autumn's here already...! What price would you put onto a person’s life or safe return? I guess it would depend on just what that person meant to you, wouldn’t it? I mean, if it was payment of a ransom asked of me for, let’s say, Margaret Thatcher or Tony Bliar then I would probably consider the peelings from my next orange as extortionate. If, however, it was for, say, my collection of Henry Williamson books then I’d trade off house and family in an instant, before you could actually utter the words;
Pay up or else.
That’s how skewed we are when it comes to the value of things, when objects become more valuable than people. That’s how we measure richness, the sign that we’ve finally lost the plot and just how far into the psyche has seeped the pursuit of becoming rich beyond the dreams of avarice; remember the saying;
The price of everything and the value of nothing?
It was coined especially for our generation so it was.
Right; memory-search time; and you have to be scrupulously honest with your answers, OK? OK.
1) What do you know about Renoir’s painting, Bal Du Moulon de La Gallette?
2) What do you know about Picasso’s painting, Garcon a La Pipe?
3) What do you know about the Kohinoor Diamond?
4) What do you know about the House of Mouawad ‘1001 Nights Diamond Purse’?
OK, now, at what point in your mental meanderings did the cost of such items enter your head? For me?
1) Don’t know the painting but know the artist. Monetary Value: Immediately. 
2) Don’t know the painting but know the artist. Monetary Value: Immediately.
3) Know some background and ownership details. Monetary Value: Three/four seconds in?
4) Know nothing at all about handbags but know the word ‘diamond’ is synonymous with the word ‘expensive’. Monetary Value: Immediately.
 OK, out of your misery:
1) £139m
2) £127m
3) $20b
4) $3.8m
…that last one, the handbag? Looks a snip at that price.
When Madeline Beth McCann disappeared, back in 2007 (yup, it was that long ago) the international press coverage reached an unprecedented frenzy of hyperbole, accusation, counter accusation and supposition. Everyone and his dog was accused then discarded as a suspect as the number of projected possibilities as to her fate are running well into double figures. We all know that someone must know but, like previous (and  present) disappearance sagas, the perpetrators will not or have not told. Possibly because of some misguided fear of losing a bargaining chip for better treatment later in their sentence, or in the knowledge that things have gone too far for them to be retrievable so… Quite what her parents have gone through and are still going through heaven only knows, but the reaction of concerned citizens to offer money for her safe return was a cause worthy of supporting. How much did we stump up? £2.5m
 Michael Jackson (who’s been featured here a couple of times) has had a life of strange events and action, most of it self-inflicted it has to be said. I know, I know, but even with his stunted social-intellect he was surrounded by the finest money could buy wasn’t he so those around him should’ve known better, considering their net worth in wages. So, what comes to mind when that name, Michael Jackson, is mentioned? I’ll give you my list for starters:
Family squabbling over his millions
Billie Jean
Mr. Jackson standing on top of that cherry picker with a blast of smoke and air billowing his clothes in all directions
That’s it. My top ten Michael Jackson memories. Now lets home in on just one; the glove.
On this day in 1991, the crystal-studded glove (key word here is crystal) belonging to Michael Jackson and valued at $350,000, was stolen from the Detroit museum and there was uproar across the US with a countrywide search set up, the result being that this glove was found in just two days. A lot of this may have been due to MC Hammer offering a reward for the safe return of said glove.
How much was the reward? $50,000.
Excellent result. All stops pulled in order to get the glove back into its rightful place where it belongs, safe with its family of other Mr. Jackson memorabilia. So glad the glove’s back, safe and sound…

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