
Monday, July 28, 2014

That's what Love Will Do....

July 28th – What it must be like to be the other half. I guess it must boil down to how badly you want it (steady there at the back!) and how far you’d be prepared to go to achieve that goal. I mean, f’rinstance, you have someone you share time and travail with, the two of you carve out a living against all the odds and, through all that you remain true to the ideals you put together as a partnership; all the bad times, the shit, the doubt you stayed together for the sake of the dream.
I’ve said this to folk before, that we go through life making a lot of acquaintances but it’s only every now and then, maybe two, possibly three times in one’s life if you’re really lucky (discounting family and life partners) when you hook up with someone you’d be prepared to die alongside and think your life up to that point of departure well worth it just for the privilege of having this person as a friend. It’s only happened to me twice, so far, and I feel blessed for it. Don’t see either of them often but, just a call, from either side, and it’s as though we were never parted.
I imagine that was something similar for Steve Took (born this day in 1949) of T. Rex fame…well, fleeting fame actually…pity was that Mr. Bolan didn’t quite see it in the same light. Same goes for our boy, Mr. Michael and Andrew Ridgley. Jeeze, no love lost there then, was there…and have you seen their promo photos?! (Me? George Michael? Gay? Never.) Then there’s Boy George and Jon Moss (is it a gay thing?) and the ultimate flower-power-peace-and-love duo, Sonny and Cher (so not a gay thing then; apologies for the stereotyping). Nope, must be a fame-self-obsessed thing fuelled by a cocktail of the entourage and arrogance...  Just goes to show, when fame comes in the door partnership goes out the window.

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