
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hugh Hefner? A Good Guy...?

July 23rd – No matter how many good people there are in the room, it only takes one, one nutter, one greedy, selfish, intellectually challenged nutter…and the world’s full of them; I mean, who do you think is running the countries of the world these days, St Peter? They sell arms, drugs, diamonds, oil, gold, anything that can be classed as a commodity and they’ll sell to the highest bidder, whoever, wherever and whenever; no scruples, no conscience, no comeback. Who are these people?
Margaret Thatcher’s son, Mark, was and is one such. Still a baron (ask why) still moving in the highest of circles (ask why) he’s been dealing in arms and coups, carving out a living from other people’s tragedies for years, and often with his mother’s blessing and support; such a role model, both. Mooshi Bin Shamsher and Adnan Khashoggi are two others you may be familiar with, them being in the news every now and then over arms deals and various questionable practices. No matter how hard the peacekeepers work, no matter how many meetings at the highest level are conducted there will always be one or other of folk like these willing to fuck it all up for a dollar bill. How to recognise? Well trust me, you know you’ve walked into a troubled acquaintanceship when you discover your acquaintance wears diamonds in their shoes…
Vanessa L. Williams could/should have expected better treatment when she became Miss America back in 1983. As the first African/American winner of said title (she is of African/European parentage) she would have expected no more or less than all other winners; a year in the title, a great opportunity to represent her kind, to promote fairness and charity and a chance to spearhead a drive for a level playing field for all races, all backgrounds in all disciplines.
However, instead of being able to pleasurably plough her way through streams of fan mail and letters of support, for the first time in pageant history, she was subjected to death threats and hate mail. The piece de rĂ©sistance came when she was informed that nude photos of her would be published in a glamour magazine. I know what you’re thinking but that’s not it. To his credit, Hugh Hefner, the publisher of Playboy, who had been offered the photos (B&W’s of Ms. Williams before she entered and won the title) had refused them saying;
Vanessa Williams is a beautiful woman. There was never any question of our interest in the photos, but they clearly weren’t authorized and because they would be the source of considerable embarrassment to her, we decided not to publish them. We were also mindful that she was the first black Miss America.
Well, there’s a turn-up.
So, now we have our roomful of folk (friends and family and the entourage of Miss Williams) and also including one of the most influential glamour publishers in the world all doing the right thing. Enter the shit in the breakfast cereal; Bob Guccione, publisher of Penthouse.;
‘Do you want the photos?’ “You betcha!” ‘Will you publish?’ “You betcha!”
Good, now you can look forward to your $14m dollar addition to you bank account (off-shore of course). It was the photographer, Tom Chiapel, who’d taken the shots, without Miss Williams’ permission or knowledge, so my guess is he couldn’t believe his luck when she took the title; pay-day! No record exists (oh, really?) of how much Guccione paid for the shots (a lot less than $14m dollars, I’ll bet) but his act caused Vanessa Williams to give up her Miss America title and crown early and another equality stumbling block was placed in the way of all who came after (three steps forward-two back).
Chaipel’s part in this whole affair is a grubby and unpleasant look under the rocks in brokephotographer canyon. Let’s just hope nothing but bad came of it.
As for Miss Williams? She found success in the music biz, selling 16 million records, gaining 15 Grammy Nominations and winning three Grammy Awards, done theatre and film work of some note and Emmy nominations for her TV work. Good on y’, lass. That’s a bullet up the arse of the nutter in the room.

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