
Friday, June 06, 2014

Can someone help me pick up my soup spoon!

June 6th – For all their protestations of how it’s just about the art and not the money (yeah, OK, tell you what, give all your recorded work away and busk; how’s that for you?) and of how they’re so committed to a better planet, to a fairer life for all, for a greater distribution of wealth and opportunity, rock and pop stars are, in essence, fuller of shit than a small intestine. Take an ordinary, modest tour for a band; let’s break it down just a little and see what it takes to put four egos on stage:
Let’s say, three 45-footers, three drivers, a catering unit, chef/cook plus one other, manager, production manager, stage manager, l/x, FoH sound, stage monitor and f/x engineers, guitar tech (3 of) drum tech, back-line tech/s, individual band security, tour manager, some form of secretarial cover, tour fit-up crew, local fit-up crew, follow-spot operator/s, tour bus driver/s… This is just what would be classed as essential tour staffing; there’s a whole host of office-based staff who never leave the environs of the desk-bound.
All this just to get some over-egged-ego in front of the punters; just think of the carbon footprint they leave behind FFS! And throughout this homage to excess the band will only be called on for one-hour-twenty of effort each night where they stand in the limelight singing songs of yearning and loss, of sadness and pain, of suffering and cruelty. Not theirs of course; they’re cosseted and comforted from a-hole to breakfast time as the machine grinds on in order to maximise their output and profitability before they’re thrown over for the next best thing. That’s the hardest bit of work they’ll do all day, that gig. Oh, they’ll claim they’re tired but that’s only because they've spent the night shaggin’ or boozin’ or partyin’. Whilst on tour the rest of the day, until showtime, is theirs to do with as they will so no sympathy from captain sensible here. Yes, they’ll have to do regular trips to the recording studio but from one who’s done a fair bit of that can I just say it’s not like hewing coal, y’know? One of the things that’s most annoying that you come across working in theatre (in a whole string of annoying things it has to be said) is when you hear actors telling anyone who’ll listen that ‘I’m EXHAUSTED’ and this after doing a matinee and evening performance…exhausted. I mean, it isn't as if they’re spending 14 hours a day in the dark mining diamonds for some fuck-wit in Amsterdam with their bare hands, or climbing up 140 foot ladders to harvest swift nests from cave ceilings for the soup trade of rich, ungrateful fuck-over’s, is it? But nevertheless they’re exhausted. Bless.
So, it’s sometimes refreshing to hear of a person in the pop/rock world who’s got some balance in the crazy world they operate in… unfortunately this isn't one of those times. It was on this day in 2001 that Elton John decided to ditch twenty vehicles from out of his car collection (making $2.75 mill in the process) because, and I quote;
‘I don’t have time to drive them anymore.’
Really, Elton?! Why’s that then? Is the necessity to complete the paper-round or your second job at the chip-shop curtailing your free time?
Cue violins, 150 dancers dressed in a combination of mournful blue velvet covered with tear-drops formed into snowflakes all made from the sweat of a Unicorn transported from the Gobi desert in a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow pulled by ten snow leopards sprayed with gold leaf. Life’s a bitch, Elton, huh?

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