
Monday, April 14, 2014

Not so funny, girl...

April 14th – I have a dilemma…well, I have more than one, but this one is sort of tricksy, anti PC (if you’ve got a skin with the sensitivity of a new-born piglet left out in the sun) but quite sort of…uplifting in its own, quirky style. 
I’ve mentioned before (ad nauseum) about my feelings for what are laughingly called modern musicals. Of how it seems that any historical, social or peripheral-to-the-human-race story, regardless of its interest or suitability, gets turned into a musical; I await the day when the musical, ‘Scenes from My Colonic Irrigation’ comes rolling into the theatre with a certain amount of trepidation… 
So, musicals. It just seems they are all prepped to the same template; the lost love of summat with the found love of summat all with a little sexual difficulty of one sort or another along the way just to confuse the plot even further…and plenty of room for the woman’s showstopper number followed by the guy’s showstopper reply all shoehorned into the drama no matter how unsuitable or inappropriate. And I hate to say it, but these two numbers in particular (the guys and gals but, in truth the majority of the songs and the dance routines) are so much like the last ten you saw and…so…well, so gay. Maybe it’s that androgynous style of singing complete with the massive, high-pitched, over-the-top dramatic last note (complete with unnecessary vibrato) and the sudden ending-snap to black on the  rapid, skip-leap exit closure that the character always uses…?
Anyway, best stop now, I guess I’m in enough trouble as it is. Anyone here like Barbara Streisand? Thought so (more trouble brewing then). Never been a fan (nor she of me, I hear, so, works both ways) as I find her voice akin to that noise of chalk down a blackboard or the noise a cat makes just as you switch on the blender. It’s the nasal, shouty-shouty way she puts over a number that I can’t get on with and, I have to be honest and say that I never thought she could act her way out of a paper bag (nor she of me, I hear, so, works both ways). Well, cut to the chase, on this day in 1969, she shared the Best Actress Academy Award with none other than Katherine Hepburn – Ms. Streisand for Funny Girl and Ms. Hepburn for The Lion in Winter…Katherine Hepburn…she of ‘African Queen’ and ‘On Golden Pond’ fame…THAT Katherine Hepburn.
Now I don’t know about you but I really can’t see how Ms. Streisand could be considered to be in the same acting solar system as Ms. Hepburn but, OK, let that pass, that’s just subjective. Putting Funny Girl, which is basically a film about an unknown, ugly person becoming a beautiful super-star (gosh, there’s original, a kind of Ugly Betty forerunner…but with songs, if you can imagine anything that bad) and losing her husband in the process (selfish, but an opportunity for that; ‘massive, high-pitched, over-the-top dramatic last note (complete with unnecessary vibrato and the massive, high-pitched, over-the-top dramatic last note – complete with unnecessary vibrato – and the sudden ending-snap to black on the  rapid, skip-leap exit moment) alongside The Lion in Winter, a film about Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine which contains classic lines like;
“If you think you’re going to put that boy on the throne there’ll be bacon in the treetops come morning!” ?
No competition.
There would be no struggle for me to choose between the two actors; Ms. Streisand, by all accounts was a difficult and self-serving actor to work with who put her self first and the work second; Ms. Hepburn, by all accounts, was a supportive and giving co-actor who put the work first and herself… Nope, Ms. Hepburn would be the girl for me, every time…until…

Not so very long ago (2008) Ms. Streisand donated 5 million dollars to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in L.A. to fund the develop a women’s heart education and research programme; so, that’s me shot up the fundament… I mean, OK, so she could afford it but that’s not the point is it? But I still dislike modern musicals and I've not gone furry-wurry or, indeed funny-wunny about Ms. Streisand …but…y’know, credit where it’s due.

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