
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fame is just a drink away...

April 20th – One thing a rock band front-man has to have is chutzpah (the best definition of which I can give is to be found guilty of murdering both your parents and then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you’re now an orphan)…chutzpah in plenty; trouble is, it can effect an already inflated ego, something you've got to have a fair amount of to think you can front a band in the first place, and it can also fuzzy-up an ability to balance on-and-off-stage life.
The late and much lamented vocalist (certainly amongst my fellow band-mates of the time anyway) in one of the bands I was in has made an appearance in this daily guff before (in the embarrassingly infamous Foundations Show) but, even though he was somewhat unpredictable when it came to booze (more on this later) one thing he could do was sing…and front the band. If you can picture a cross between Steve Marriott and thingy…him from that punk/mod band, still going strong now… erm… guitarist…Goin’ Underground…erm, Jesus, my memory, Eton Rifles bloke, you know…? PAUL WELLER!!! That’s him, Paul Weller…right, well think of a cross between Mr. Weller and Mr. Marriott for looks, and add the possession of a vox that was every bit as strong and arresting as Mr. Marriott’s with more than a dash of Chris Farlowe thrown in for good measure, then mix in more front than Harrods and you've got a good idea of the type of guy I’m talking about. My ‘love’ for vocalists has also been well documented here, but I’m not so foolish as to dismiss their input as unnecessary to the band dynamic (just sometimes their attitude) however, I always admired the aforementioned Steve Marriott both as a performer and singer/songwriter.
He was an actor first and I guess that helped him put over a number well, and when the Mod-movement happened he was nicely placed to cash in on it, both in looks and style; certainly made a better fist of it than Slade…adopting the Mod-Culture just because it was the ‘in thing’ and sending rats through the post to impress prospective A&R folk doesn't quite equate. Mr. Marriott wrote some standout tracks, welding genuine observation with a quirky take on everyday yet adventurous things; Lazy Sunday Afternoon, Tin Soldier and Itchycoo Park being just three of the tracks that regularly come up on my i-Tunes playback.
His vocal style has influenced many, Robert Planet and our late singer amongst them, and his involvement with the ephemeral beauty that was (and I believe still is) Jenny Rylance was noted by the guys I was gigging with at the time.
What we come back to time and again in the field of music and stardom that I scribble about in this Daily Rag of mine, that seems inevitable, inescapable, and what had an influence in the career outcomes of both our late vocalist and Mr. Marriott, was the dreaded duo of Mr. D and Mr. B – Drugs ‘n’ Booze. I’ll explain.
The similarity between our front-man and Mr. Marriott (apart from the mega-fame) is that, with our vocalist, the booze influenced some of his important life-choices and actions to the detriment of his career and, in all probability, cost him his life and dreams; with Mr. Marriott it did too. These two self-imbibed ugly-sisters seemed to colour just about everything he did, reducing him, on a number of occasions, to penury; the sort of penury that to avoid starvation you gather up empty, discarded glass drinks bottles and cash them in for the refund money…and this was AFTER the massive hits.
Large ingestions of pick-me-ups and a plentiful number of liquid lunches (and dinners and teas, by all accounts) fuelled an already, seemingly skewed ability to keep a balance on life (where’ve we heard this before?) Personal relationship split-ups, musical differences group arguments, hostility and a general sprinkling of inter-band hatred all figured in Mr. Marriott’s career…such a waste of the available talent and time he was given…but then, maybe it made him the writer/performer that I so admire…? What would I have been prepared to forego; the songs or the state of the man who wrote them?
On this day, in 1991, after his return from a recording session in the U.S., well boozed and lined, Mr. Marriott was killed in a fire at his home; a blaze, reckoned by the fire service that attended it, to have been caused by cigarette discarded when the deceased collapsed onto the bed in a stupor…he was found, Pompeii-like, huddled in a gap between bed and wall, apparently in a chemically-confused effort to escape…then the smoke got to him...

How good was he? When he auditioned for the Rolling Stones as guitarist and B/V, Jagger (that’s Mick Jagger, y’ know? Him who still has the ‘chutzpah’ to strut his stuff at 60+) Mr. Jagger vetoed Mr. Marriott’s involvement in the band because he feared being overshadowed…that’s how good he was.

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