
Friday, March 18, 2005

Michael Howard - 11 Reasons Not to Vote for Him - Reason 1

Fashioned After Howard's 11-point Crime Plan
Last year, Michael Howard published an 11-point "crime and law and order manifesto" on the web. The responses that follow on this and subsequent postings here at Broadsword..... are an attempt to dissect the social amoeba that is M. Howard. Oh, and the point number one below and all the others that will appear here over a period of time are real.....not made up by me to make him look's actually what Michael Howard believes......honest; look it up if you don't believe me: -

I BELIEVE THE PUNISHMENT SHOULD FIT THE CRIME. by M.Howard - aged, 'old enough to know better'


Wrong: Most criminals commit crime because they are disenfranchised from society by dint of geography, social strata, personality, background or education. This “would be” Prime Minister shows, by his asinine first statement, that he is a man of little intellect when it comes to the reasons for crime; and this from a previous Home Secretary too. Like all good politicians he believes he’s making history but removed from it. When Howard and his league of cohorts, not least of all our beloved Margaret Thatcher, decided they’d reshape these islands in their own image they desecrated and destroyed communities, livelihoods and ideologies, closing schools, running down hospitals, selling off public transport and cutting the number of police during this time. What they left were ghettos of isolated communities who were left to their own devices. Abandoned by Howard’s government, these vacuums of self-esteem lacked the educational and social tools they needed to develop at the same pace as the favoured few. This presented the country with a ready-made section of the population who, fuelled by resentment, had no way, intellectually, fiscally or creatively of getting out of their position in society; they also presented Howard and Co. with the perfect "Divide and Rule" tool. Apart from winning the lottery or becoming a celebrity, the only way to keep the wheels of survival turning in these deserts of social help and become what the Conservative government said you must strive for (“Anyone who still travels to work by public transport at 30 is a failure”) is to steal. And what is all this theft for? A recent study by the Association of Chief Officers of Probation of 20,000 homes in Watford, Hertfordshire, which included extensive interviews with burglars, found that the majority of burglaries are carried out to pay debts—in fact four times as many as to fund drug or alcohol habits. Howard says that people living in deprived areas are more than twice as likely to be mugged as those living in better off neighbourhoods. Well, I say that can be easily solved; give the people living in those poorer areas a ‘better off’ area to live in then there’ll be NO CRIME after a while!

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