
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I'm not paranoid, just ask the guy who keeps following me, but.....

I was listening to the news on BBC Radio 4 tonight and the article concerning the new break-down in relations between the U.S. and Russia sort of rang bells. In my untrusting, 56-year old, cynical way I couldn't help wondering whether it was all part of "the game". I mean, after 'The Wall' came down and Gorbachev hugged everything within a continent's distance (whether they wanted to be hugged or not) the traders in arms and armament were in serious trouble. OK, so, you could sell a few aircraft to some psych-ed out dictator and plenty of small arms to just about any crazy with a claim to a kingdom (as long as that fruit-loop MT wasn't involved, that is). The Iraq saga must have seemed like manna from heaven to the large-scale arms makers. Here was a guy who could carry the weight of terror defence that missile builders' needed so much to continue their trade. I mean, he had a moustache (so did Hitler) he spoke something that wasn't English (so did Hitler) AND he had a lot of oil (Hitler didn't, but two out of three 'aint bad). It only took Tony Blair to give us the "45-minute" claim (how come the majority of the right-thinking populace smelt livestock and yet those who are supposed to be on the cusp of events cheered him to the rafters?) and the missile-and-radar builders were rubbing their hands with glee. Alas and alack, Saddam Hussein turned out to have no weapons of mass destruction (not even enough "bang" to blow off a dustbin lid, in fact) and in a sweep, the arms men were left with empty order books and a lack of machismo that shrank their gonads to the size of weevils. Cut to the chase; was there a meeting at which the U.S. the U.K. and Russia got together and said, "Lets kill two birds with one stone. We'll do a bit of sabre rattling, get the arms trade a boost for sales AND keep the proletariat weak at the knees over a possible nuclear strike." After a chat they agreed a form for how it was to progress. "Leak the information slowly, keep it in the news, split the proceeds between us, hold on to the reins of power and we'll all meet for lunch in 2008!" Nah.................can't be..........but there's a little bit of me that says, Doris, that's the way it works; keep the people scratching for grains of rice in the soil and they'll never think to look at the horizon. Don't y' just hate politicians for making you think this way...........

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