
Monday, August 18, 2014

That's the way God plans it, Billy....

August 18th – You know, no matter how street-wise or sharp you think you are you can always get tripped up by believing in your own inviolability; it’s that starting to believe your own press cuttings thing we’ve touched on before, where those constantly in the news, the curse of the slebs for want of a better phrase, and who fall foul of the law or their fans because of their inability to realise they’re just human, albeit with a lot of money and fame, but human all the same. Let me tell you a true story:
When I was in my teens and in rock bands full-time, I partied quite hard; not quite to the extent of an Iggy Pop or a Keith Richards but hard enough to create a dent or two in my psyche. I think that, being on the periphery of the fame thing, as a support band, I could see from a distance the problems that could be encountered and the car-crash lives that were being lived by many I came into contact with…maybe that scared me a little (no bad thing, I guess) so I was always able to steer clear of the hard stuff. In honesty, in the circles I moved in (working class) alcohol was the prime ingredient with which to enhance one’s social life; the cause of much catastrophic damage to many, I know, but that’s how it was, that was the norm. There are images that stay and I’ve written about before now in this daily shuffle I do…suffice to say that the scene in The Wall when the shot is given to the performer to get him on stage? Seen it done, and more than once too…but I’m sure it was just Vitamin B12.
So, not surprising I shunned anything I knew caused early demise; everyone says;
It’ll not get me.
I’m here to tell you it will. End of. Sorry, off the story a bit….
When we’d finished gigging, we (the band) would split to various clubs and hostelries we were known to frequent to drink, jabber and connect with the local female population to roll the night away or at least what was left of it. One such watering hole was The Wilson’s Arms in Knowle near Brum. Our vocalist, who you’ve met before, was something of a womaniser, the fact he was engaged counting for nothing in the scheme of touring (what goes on tour stays on tour). He was also very aware he had a certain something that women found irresistible (buggered if I knew what, I mean, I figured I was at least twice as desirable and yet he always got the girl… sod him; but I’m over it now, as you can tell…) He could always be counted on to pull…always… This lent him a certain air of superiority within the band dynamic which, in turn, lent him certain arrogance on stage, essential for the vocalist/front man so no complaints there. So, we finish at some place or other this particular night back in 67 or 68 and we bugger off to the The Wilson’s for a late night game of booze and birds. Our vocalist was, his usual, all swagger and we were our usual Piss off, toss pot unanimous selves…and that’s when he spotted her…stood by herself at the far end of the bar…and she was a stunner…a stunner. Like a greyhound from the slips our vocalist was over there, why, he almost left skid marks on his journey to her side. We all thought; “Yeah, right. Well you’ll find this one a bit above, my lad
We said it more in anger than in hope but, lo and behold, after a very short time, very, they left together, our boy giving us the Agincourt salute as they linked arms and exited; we, of course, all wished him luck by return.
The following evening we did the collection of the band members on our way to another gig and were all struck by the rectitude of our vocalist to recount his triumph of the previous evening/night/morning. Usually he would regale us with every sordid detail (sorry, ladies, I’m not proud of it, it’s just the way young lad’s talk…sorry) but this time we had to practically drag it out him: I give the details…joined together and absolutely accurate, and in his words…except for my dramatic additions for mood and result (people of a nervous disposition look away now).
Not only was she a stunner but she also owned a drop-top Sunbeam Alpine…red. Her hands were all over me as we walked to the car then she dropped the hood and we climbed in. Away we sped into the night both of us bent on a night of pleasure. After a short while she drove the car one handed, her other hand slipped across onto my lap and then up to my groin as she began to massage my massive erection…
Well, I say massive ‘cos that’s the word he used; that was his dramatic addition, I guess; to continue…
I slipped my hand across and began to massage her firm breasts and then let my hand drop down to her stomach… This was too much for us both and she made a left onto a country lane and pulled into a gateway. Immediately we were into a clinch, indulging in a kiss of such strength and passion that would have removed my tonsils had a surgeon not whipped out when I was seven. She quickly unbuckled my belt and slipped her hand down my trousers as I, not wanting to seem lax, slid my hand rapidly up her skirt and beyond her suspender belt (realising as I did so that she hadn’t put on any underwear) to where my eager hand was filled with the biggest pair of bollocks in the universe… I was up and had vaulted out of that car faster than a 200 metre hurdler. As I ran up the road in a crouching sprint, my one hand grasping at my trousers the other, the one that had so recently been full of testicles, being dragged through the dew-soaked grass verge in an effort to wash away the memory, I heard a voice shout, “Wait, please! Can’t we talk about this!?
This incident was brought sharply to mind when I read that, on this day in 1991, Billy Preston was arrested on charges of battery after allegedly attacking a 16-year-old prostitute, but only after Preston had discovered he/she was a transvestite. Of all the people; Billy Preston, he of The Beatles, Joe Cocker, The Rolling Stones fame; I mean, you’d have thought;
“Well Billy, if you’ve not learnt by now…that’s the way God planned it.” See, it can happen to anyone, no matter where you are in the fame tree… no, bugger that, it can happen to anyone period.

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