
Friday, February 18, 2005

Foxes and Road Traffic Accidents

I read with some disquiet the information outed by the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) that out of the 30-million gamebirds reared annually in the UK, only 12-million are shot by hunters. The remaining 18-million die of either disease, predation or are killed on the roads. Broken down into rough estimates, that means around 6-million gamebirds are being mown down by traffic every year! Jesus, I'm surprised were not all skidding our way to work on the innards of these poor, hapless creatures and beginning to understand the rise in the use of four-wheel-drive school-runners; as if driving about in all that pigeon-shit isn't bad enough, we now have the anatomy of countless pheasants to contend with. Never mind game shooting or fishing, I think the LACS's next target should be car drivers'. Everyone who has an increased liklihood of having a collision with a capercaillie, a pile-up with a partridge or a smash with a snipe should be either banned from driving for life or made to drive one of those jelly-mould Mercedes. That includes those with smoked glass (obscured vision) loud exhausts the size of Wiltshire (increase in noise thereby frightening said birds and causing them to fly in fright across oncoming car's path) and any form of "dangly thing" from the rear-view mirror (distraction). That'll save millions of game-birds' lives and cut the traffic levels on our roads by around 25%.

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