
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Who y' gonna trust....mythbusters?

2015 Resolution – Pay Attention to the Small Details –
Codicil: - I am not, never have been and never will be a UKIP supporter or voter, I haven’t heard all the interview and can only go on the news as it was reported so the following is just me trying to make sense of the reaction of politicians to recent events.
I was struck by the headline in the Independent today with the strapline ‘Party leaders unite to decry ‘point-scoring’ by Farage’. On reading the article it turns out that all our major party political party leaders had, supposedly, sung from the same hymn sheet as they condemned the leader of UKIP for his remarks concerning the dreadful events in Paris over the past few days.
They said:
David Cameron – Con – ‘Today is not the day to make political remarks or arguments. Today is the day to stand four-square behind the people of France’.
Theresa May – Con – “I think it is irresponsible to talk about a fifth-column”…“we must ensure that we deal with and eradicate extremism, wherever it exists”.
Eric Pickles – Con – “…it is utterly wrong for any politician to be making political points when our neighbours in France are grieving. If we fight amongst ourselves…then the only winners are the gunmen”.
Nick Clegg – Lib Dem – “His (Nigel Farage) first reflex is to make political points…many, many British Muslims are very proud of their faith …to see them as part of the problem rather than part of the solution is grabbing the wrong end of the stick”.
Ed Miliband – Lab – “I don’t think Nigel Farage or anyone else should be seeking to divide us in this way…”
Tessa Jowell – Lab – “Sickening comments from Nigel Farage. The murder of innocent people is criminal plain and simple”.
Now there’s much to be made from the above; like the fact that all concerned made ‘political remarks and point scoring’ in their statements, or that the ‘killing of innocent people’ vox-pop came from an MP who voted for the Iraq war and against an enquiry into it and who belongs to a party that brought you the ‘it’s a good day to bury bad news’ gem, but, that aside, Mr. Cameron trips out the usual weightless platitudes and non-statements, Ms. May ratchets up the agenda with the use of a Putin-ism that wasn’t present in the reply, Mr. Pickles edges the ratcheted-up agenda with a touch of hysteria, Mr. Clegg walks a line of non-committal balm (so what’s new?) Mr. Miliband inserts something that actually adds weight to the Islamist jihadist cause and Ms. Jowell just seems to be screaming into her mobile, but, IMHO, they all missed the point; what Nigel Farage actually said in that clip from the interview that fuelled their righteous indignation was:
“We in Britain, and I’ve seen evidence in other European countries, too, have pursued a really rather gross policy of multiculturalism. We have encouraged people who come from different cultures to remain within those cultures, and not to integrate fully within our communities.”
No mention of a fifth column, no abrogation of empathy for France, no mention of division or that murder of innocent people wasn’t a crime, no support or succour for the perpetrators, none of that in the radio interview clip these politicians singled out.
What he’s saying, IMHO, if we read his words carefully and pay attention to the detail, is that the UK, along with many other European countries, have ghettoised whole groups of immigrants and by treating them as a separate group have set them apart from white society, giving fresh ground for the isolationist, underdog ideology to root and fester. Immigrants who were either brought over to the UK or emigrated here of their own volition know and understand this; that they were welcomed because they provided cheap labour and would ‘do the jobs white folk’s won’t’ (still do) for the businesses that have since become fat on the proceeds of this cheap labour as they found grounds for stifling wages and fucking over the unions, and this deliberate policy of cutting labour costs meant profits were left over to fund the political parties so these self-same companies could ‘lobby’ government policy and maintain the status quo. Placing groups of immigrants into poor housing based in run-down inner-city areas helped kick-start the kind of communal segregation we have now in certain cities; whole immigrant communities are gathered into several interlinking streets and, instead of the host nation’s and immigrant nation’s cultures being allowed to percolate and mix slowly and gently over time to create a diverse and rejuvenating cultural mix, are set apart to become almost a state-within-a-state with its concomitant feelings of resentment and fear and we, as a nation, have tacitly encouraged this state of affairs by our all-consuming pursuit of the ‘new’.
A sceptic, a conspiracy theorist would say this segregation policy was deliberate, that the last thing politicians and conglomerates want is a coming together of the people which could spell an end to the divide-and-rule ideology which is promulgated by our political classes…not me you understand, just some other sceptic or conspiracy theorist… What I will say is we all have an opportunity to reverse this trend in our everyday lives and interactions, indulging in Random Acts of Kindness we can break down barriers set in place by a society subservient to class. It’s no good blaming others for our own shortcomings or short-sightedness (divide-and-rule in action) and politically we can control our own destiny and the policies of those who espouse to represent us because that’s the real point: they work for us.
Integration, cultural understanding and the tolerant embrace of our differences will only be made possible if we’re truly prepared to welcome people from other cultures into our ‘hallowed halls’ and share equally the bread on the table, at the same cost and no matter who provided it. We’re all of one Earth, we’ve nowhere else to go if we screw this one up with pollution, genocide and racial hatred and, if you ask, 99% of the world’s population would tell you they just want to live a life, have some kids, grow old and see some good emanate from their time on Earth in peace and security, not see their families and children blown into several small parts in a squabble brought about by some power-crazed, already-rich fuck’s desire to possess someone else’s mineral wealth.
Nigel Farage is just another not-to-be-trusted power-broker on the hunt but if you reread the quotes above from our politicians, it’ll highlight their collective agenda and create even more puzzlement for the forthcoming election…